Why Go Green?

Baby steps to a better future

go green
  • Why go Green?

    Climate Change
  • Environmental Impact
  • Peak Oil
  • A long term investment

Why go green?

A question that everyone is asking and many discussions there of. There are many reason that going green will benefit not only yourself but everyone around you. This is merely information supplied for you to make the decision.

Climate Change

Has it seemed that Summers are getting hotter and winters are getting colder? Ever wondered why? Simple answere is, climate change. Ever heard of 'global warming'. Everyone has heard about the whole in o-zone layer and debating if its man-made or not. The matter of the fact remains it is a problem we as a planet are sitting with. It has been a huge motivator for major coporate companies to go green and try to provide their support to the environment and then one sits there and feels abit helpless. Anyone can make a difference. Doing something small like getting a geyser blanket, using solar panel geysers, you are already making a considerable contributions to the sustainability of your environment. May seem small to one person, but if many people to get involved it becomes a huge help in the end which will result in a huge change in our planets climate. Start small, spread the word, grow big so-green.

Environment Impact

The environmental pollutions on the humands and the habitats of earth in undeniably bad. Every year the fresh water gets polluted, animals become extinct and endangered due to human greed, natural landscapes is being lost due to litter and human error fires. The great lost in our fona and flora increases the risk of disease and famine.

Peak oil

A term used to describe the near depletion in oil extraction which causes a dip in productions thus causing the cost to rise significantly. The fact that we can run out of oil or even just be unable to afford to carry on extracting the oil is being ignored by the Western lifestyle which is very depended on it is quite scary

Saving you money

We live in a society where we want to spend less money and get more. To many people in the world think that going green is a expensive business, but it shouldnt be thought of that way. Yes it is expensive in the begging, but in the long term its an investments which can end up paying for its self. If you install a solar panel or geyser blanket which both are relatively easy to do. You can save money and get government rebats and incentives for going green. You can easly drop your electricity bill by 20%.

See our information on geyser blankets and solar panels for more information.

The changes starts with you.