Going green is the future, So-Green will take you there

Save our Planet

Solar Hot Water

It is glass fiber additional layer which is made to be wrapped around your geyser. This additional layer will significantly drop the rate of cooling of the water that is inside your geyser thus reducing the ammount of electricity.

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Solar PV Systems

Solar energy is energy harnested from the radiation given off from the Sun. The sun provides the Earth with around 175 petawatts of energy. Unlike the fossil fuels we are currently still using to provide eletricity to the people.

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Wind Energy

The advantage of wind energy is that it is a renewable resource which does not pollute our planet. It is a free non-depleting resource. Thus it can reduce the ammount of carbon dioxide pollution with more than 2.5 billion pounds.

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Why Go Green

A question that everyone is asking and many discussions there of. There are many reason that going green will benefit not only yourself but everyone around you. This is mearly information supplied for you to make the descision.

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Our Mission

Go Green So Green

Ecology Today

Saving our planet is not just benificial towards humans but to all living organisms on planet Earth.

Love for our Planet

Why not love the planet we were born into? Loving the planet will be fruitful for our future.

Innovative Ideas

Innovative ideas lead to our planets ever changing technology to save our planet.

Important Facts

Eco Friendly Facts
  • Today the world consumes about 300 million tons of paper each year. Now nearly 4 billion trees or 35 percent of the total trees cut around the world are used in paper industries on every continent. The consumption of paper products is driving the rapid deforestation of our forests. Experts predict that the world’s rain forests could completely vanish in 100 years at the current rate of deforestation.
  • Trees can take up to 30 years to mature, while sugarcane only takes one year making it a very renewable resource.
Recycling and Environmental Facts
  • In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history.
  • The way we produce, consume and dispose of our products and our food accounts for 42% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
  • It only takes about 6 weeks total to manufacture, fill, sell, recycle, and then remanufacture an aluminum beverage can
  • The “hole” in the stratospheric ozone layer over the Antarctic – the layer that protects people from harmful ultraviolet radiation – is now the largest it has ever been and is not expected to recover until between 2060 and 2075