Geyser Blanket
Just another step forward into your energy saving strategy that is simple yet effective

Geyser Blanket
Power Reduction Up 21% saving -
50mm - 135mm glass fiber
aluminum foil, virgin fiber wool
two-ply polyester, bonded polypropylene - Other materials Recycled 2L cold drink bottles
What is a geyser blanket?
It is glass fiber additional layer which is made to be wrapped around your geyser. This additional layer will significantly drop the rate of cooling of the water that is inside your geyser thus reducing the amount of electricity used to reheat the water.
Did you know that around 40% of the typical households electricity consumption is the geyser? Your typical geyser drops 1 degree of temperature every hour so a constant supply of electricity is needed to keep the temperature up.
When wrapping your geyser with a geyser blanket, it is vital that it is done properly or the geyser blanket won't be utilised properly. To achieve optimal energy saving, it is advisable to wrap your hot water pipe system which will minimize any thermal energy lost.
What is the geyser blanket made of?
There are various materials used to create the blankets like the virgin fiber wool, bonded polypropylene, two-ply polyester and the most common one being the fiberglass.
What makes things even better is that there is blankets that are made form recycled 2L cold drink bottles which provide a very Eco-friendly solution and it is a really good insulator.
Geyser blankets varies in different thicknesses. The more common ones is the 50 or 70mm blankets which are for your more average units and then there is the 100 to 150mm thick for your more larger geyser units. A design of reflective aluminum foil that encloses the blanket is purposely designed to reflect the heat back into the geyser which provides a bigger energy saving solutions.